1221 Fine Dining

1221 Jauniela 16, Rīga, Latvija, 371 67 22 0171. Learn more about our recent events and activities on Facebook page. Visit our page on Facebook. SPECIALLY FROM THE CHEF. Recommendations from our Chef for the true gourmets. Pelmeni filled with venison. And Foie Gra marinated in truffle oil, served with cranberry sauce. Horse Meat Fillet Steak with Pancakes and Forest Salad in Raspberry-Cherry Vinaigrette. Baked Catfish Fillet with Morel Sauce and Green Asparagus, Cooked in Butter. HOW TO FIND US.


This domain 1221.lv currently has an average traffic classification of zero (the lower the more users). We have scanned zero pages within the domain 1221.lv and found seven websites associating themselves with 1221.lv. There is one mass communication sites owned by this website.
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1221.LV HOST

I identified that a single root page on 1221.lv took eleven thousand one hundred and sixty-three milliseconds to load. I could not find a SSL certificate, so therefore we consider 1221.lv not secure.
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11.163 secs
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I observed that this domain is utilizing the nginx/1.8.0 os.


1221 Fine Dining


1221 Jauniela 16, Rīga, Latvija, 371 67 22 0171. Learn more about our recent events and activities on Facebook page. Visit our page on Facebook. SPECIALLY FROM THE CHEF. Recommendations from our Chef for the true gourmets. Pelmeni filled with venison. And Foie Gra marinated in truffle oil, served with cranberry sauce. Horse Meat Fillet Steak with Pancakes and Forest Salad in Raspberry-Cherry Vinaigrette. Baked Catfish Fillet with Morel Sauce and Green Asparagus, Cooked in Butter. HOW TO FIND US.


This domain 1221.lv has the following in the web site, "1221 Jauniela 16, Rīga, Latvija, 371 67 22 0171." We analyzed that the webpage also stated " Learn more about our recent events and activities on Facebook page." It also stated " Visit our page on Facebook. Recommendations from our Chef for the true gourmets. And Foie Gra marinated in truffle oil, served with cranberry sauce. Horse Meat Fillet Steak with Pancakes and Forest Salad in Raspberry-Cherry Vinaigrette. Baked Catfish Fillet with Morel Sauce and Green Asparagus, Cooked in Butter."


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